Bee Wild Contest
Win a $200 Pollinator Garden

Bee Wild Contest
KidsGardening and Wyman's are teaming up to celebrate National Pollinator Month with the Bee Wild Contest! Thirty-five youth garden programs will win $200 to plant a pollinator garden.
THANK YOU to every person who applied. We genuinely loved seeing every child's dream pollinator garden. It was such a tough decision to choose the winning entries.
Congratulations to the 35 winners! We can't wait to see your pollinator gardens grow!
About the Bee Wild Contest
This a contest for kids and adults, together!
- The first part of the entry will ask kids to share about their dream pollinator garden. Kids can submit a drawing, short video, written description, collage, or any other medium of their dream pollinator garden. (Dream pollinator gardens do not need to be realistic!) Kids can work alone or as a group to create their entry.
- Adults will be asked to tell us a bit about their youth program and plans for the $200 prize.
- Any program that serves at least 15 kids is qualified to win.
- Entries are welcome from around the world, but only entries from the US and US territories are eligible to win.
- The prize money can be used to plant a new pollinator garden or expand an existing pollinator garden.
How to Participate
The Bee Wild Contest is open June 12- July 14, 2023. Entries must be submitted using the form below. An adult and child should work together to complete the entry; the child (or children) creates an illustrated, oral, or written description of the dream pollinator garden, and the adult completes the remainder of the entry form. Only one entry per program, please.
How Winners are Chosen
Entries must be complete to be considered to win. A complete entry has an authentic entry from a child or children (under the age of 18), and information about the garden plans and youth program from the adult. Entries will be judged on creativity and plans for the pollinator garden.
Winners will be announced on August 11, 2023. Awards will be sent in September 2023, perfect for planting a fall pollinator garden.
Thanks to our Sponsor, Wyman's!

Quick Details!
Thirty-five youth garden programs will be awarded $200 to plant a pollinator garden.
The Bee Wild Contest closed on July 14, 2023.