Books in Bloom
Topic: plant science, projects & crafts, wildlife, pollinators, edibles, flowers, nutrition, arts, literature, culture
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5
Location(s): Indoor, Outdoor
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Books in Bloom
Curriculum Book
Discovering the plant biology in great children's literature! Books in Bloom invites children on a special literary adventure to learn about science while also exploring the garden.
        • Features 17 children’s books to use on garden adventures!
        • Perfect for formal and informal educational settings
        • Reference icons clearly identifying appropriate grade levels
        • Compact lesson ideas, hands-on activities, and full lesson plans
        • Related titles for alternative reading levels
        • Connections to Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards

Books in Bloom invites children on a special literary adventure to learn about science while also exploring the garden. Written by Valerie Bang-Jensen & Mark Lubkowitz, founders of the Teaching Gardens at St. Michael’s College, Books in Bloom includes 17 chapters each featuring a popular children's book and related garden-inspired activities to help you ‘dig’ into the story in a fun way. It is perfect for formal and informal educational settings including libraries, classrooms, after-school programs, and even home gardens.

View a sample lesson plan from Compost Stew.

Don't miss Christine's In the Weeds episode featuring this book!

You can purchase this book in the KidsGardening store.

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