Sowing the Seeds of Wonder
Topic: plant science, edibles, nutrition, getting started
Grade Level: Preschool, K-2
Location(s): Indoor, Outdoor
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Book cover shows 4 images of children engaging in gardening, and shows the words "Sowing the Seeds of Wonder" "Discovering the Garden in Early Childhood Education" "Second Edition"
Curriculum Book
Written by educators from LifeLab, this activity guide is full of hands-on activities designed to inspire in young children a connection to the outdoors, an appreciation of healthy foods, and a love of learning.

Written by educators from LifeLab, this activity guide is full of hands-on activities designed to inspire in young children a connection to the outdoors, an appreciation of healthy foods, and a love of learning. Lessons invite students to dig into the soil; observe birds, insects, and other critters; and enjoy the tastes of fresh fruits and vegetables they plant, harvest, and prepare.

Sowing the Seeds of Wonder includes:

  • Getting started information – tried and true tips for launching an educational garden.
  • Twenty-eight gardening activities for children ages 2-5, featuring garden explorations; soil, plant, and animal studies; and harvest, cooking, and art projects.
  • Gardening how to's: basic gardening techniques, plant lists, and design guides for creating and maintaining a thriving garden, as well as specific techniques for involving young children.
  • Educator resources: garden-related songs, ECE garden case studies, and suggested literature lists.

You can search Life Lab’s online standards database to see how Seeds of Wonder lessons link to California’s Preschool Learning Foundation standards.

Review two sections of Sowing the Seeds of Wonder: Edible Flowers and Rainbow Chips.

This book is available for purchase through the KidsGardening store!

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