Kids Garden Month Contest
An annual celebration of kids in the garden!

Kids Garden Month
Kids Garden Month is our annual celebration of kids in the garden! Each April, we host a contest to celebrate kid gardeners, as well as lifting up the many positive benefits gardening has on kids and their communities.

About the Kids Garden Month Contest
While much of our work is for the adults that work with kids in the garden, Kids Garden Month is all about hearing from kids themselves! We want kids to share what they love about gardening with a picture, video, song, dance, poem, art, craft, or anything else they can think of! Creativity is encouraged!
Kids ages 0-18 are eligible to participate. Entries are welcome from around the world, but only entries from the US and US territories are eligible to win prizes.
Previous Contest Winners
Over the past years, thousands of kids have participated in Kids Garden Month. Meet a few of our contest winners.
Our next Kids Garden Month contest will begin April 1, 2024!
Adults! You can join in on the Kids Garden Month fun in the Kids Garden Community!

2023 Kids Garden Month
"Let's grow together"

2022 Kids Garden Month
"How does your garden take care of you?"

2021 Kids Garden Month
"Why do you love your garden?"