Discovering Hydroponics
Topic: plant science, projects & crafts, edibles, hydroponics, getting started
Grade Level: K-2
Location(s): Indoor
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
The cover for Discovering Hydroponics, which shows a water droplet and magnifying glass
Curriculum Book
This lesson and resource guide is for K-2 educators who are interesting in using hydroponic garden systems as a way to teach plant fundamentals. With a focus on hands-on activities the lessons are designed to encourage student-led discovery.

About this Guide

Discovering Through Hydroponics developed in partnership with our amazing partners The National Farm to School Network and The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation as part of the GroMoreGood Initiative. It is designed to facilitate teaching plant basics to young students using the engaging, hands-on tool of a hydroponic garden. Discovering Hydroponics includes:


  • 5 lesson plans to help students learn plant basics through hands-on, garden-related investigations;

  • basic how-to information for growing plants hydroponically

  • construction plans for simple DIY hydroponics setups; and

  • additional reference materials to support your hydroponic garden program creation and endeavors.

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