Sample calendar shown; click image or here to open interactive pdf.
Determine planting dates for vegetable crops in seconds! KidsGardening developed an Interactive Spring Planting Calendar to help you determine when to start seeds indoors, when to transplant, when to sow seeds in the garden, and when to expect your first harvest. Simply enter your Average Last Spring Frost Date and the planting dates are automatically filled in!
Open/download the interactive PDF file: KidsGardening Interactive Spring Planting Calendar
Note: This PDF calendar works best when opened in Google Chrome web browser. Or, you can download free Acrobat Reader to open the PDF file.
Don't know your Average Last Spring Frost Date? Ask a gardening neighbor or your local Cooperative Extension Service's Master Gardener Program. Or look it up using your zip code.
Novice and experienced gardeners alike must take extra care to determine the optimal time to plant seeds. If you plant warmth-loving seeds or transplants outside too early in spring, the cold soil and air temperatures may harm them. On the other hand, crops that do best in cooler weather may not thrive if they are planted late and end up maturing when the weather is too hot.
Although we've done the math for you in our interactive calendar, learning the calculations used to create a planting calendar for seeds is a very practical and useful skill for your young gardeners. Discover the technique in our Creating a Planting Calendar Lesson Plan.