Make a Garden Art Box
Topic: projects & crafts, arts
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Grade Level: Preschool, K-2, 3-5
Location(s): Indoor, Outdoor
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
garden art box
The garden is full of inspiration for budding artists. You can easily transform your garden into an exciting art studio by providing a few supplies and time for creativity and observation.


  • shoebox
  • old seed and plant catalogs
  • glue
  • clear contact paper
  • small plastic container
  • small notebook
  • an assortment of art supplies, such as crayons, pencils, chalk and/or markers


  1. Help your young gardeners make their own art box to take on adventures into the garden. Find an empty shoebox for each child. Cut out plant pictures from old seed and plant catalogs, and then glue them to the box for decoration.  Cover the box with clear contact paper.  Although it won't be waterproof, this will make it more durable.
  2. Add basic art supplies to the box. Each child will need at minimum a small notebook and a pencil for drawing. Notebooks can be purchased or you can make your own by cutting either new or recycled paper into half sheets and stapling them together. If available you can also include crayons, colored pencils, chalk, and markers.
  3. Also include a small plastic tub, such as an old butter container, in each box. These containers can be used to collect nature items such as leaves, seeds, and rocks to use for art projects like collages.
  4. Make time to explore and create! Set aside specific time to encourage your kids to use their new art boxes.  An added bonus, the box not only serves as a convenient way to keep up with supplies, it can also be used as a working surface. As projects accumulate, consider organizing a special art show to display their work for family and friends.

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