Waterwise Garden Explorers
Topic: plant science, environment
Grade Level: K-2, 3-5
Location(s): Indoor, Outdoor
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Waterwise Garden Explorers Lesson Guide. Includes logos for Waterwise, KidsGardening, and Hunter. There is a photo of a seedling among drip irrigation.
Curriculum Book
Designed for elementary educators, this 50-page guide provides 15 hands-on activities that teach students why they should care about the protection of our water resources and how they can be responsible water stewards.

Hands-On Investigation to Become Waterwise

    Water is critical for all life, including plants. In this unit of Waterwise Garden Explorers, students will investigate the role of water in the garden and the importance of using sustainable watering techniques. For optimal health, plants must obtain the right amount of water — too much or too little can impact their growth and development.

    This unit includes five modules:

    • Plant Needs
    • The Water Cycle
    • Watering the Garden
    • Water Conservation
    • Water-Friendly Garden Design

    Each module includes background information along with three water-focused activities, so students can engage in hands-on experiences to observe how plants obtain and use water. Young gardeners will also learn about best practices for watering the garden and how to protect and conserve all water resources. The target age for content and activities is kindergarten through fifth grade.

    Don't miss these accompanying resources!

    Watering Your School Garden Tip Sheet:
    Explore the benefits and challenges of common supplemental irrigation techniques and learn about cultural practices that you can use in your school garden to water efficiently.

    Educators’ Guide to Drip Irrigation: Drip irrigation is one of the most water-efficient ways to care for your school garden. Discover the many benefits of this sustainable irrigation method and learn how to install drip irrigation systems in raised-bed gardens to support plant health.

    Related Resources

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