Start an Early Childhood Education Garden Program
Topic: getting started, sustaining a program
Grade Level: Preschool
Location(s): Indoor, Outdoor
Season: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
Young child waters a garden with a tiny hellow watering can
Create and Sustain a Program
Explore the resources listed below for information and support for starting an early childhood education garden program.

Create and Sustain a Youth Garden Program

KidsGardening provides an extensive collection of articles detailing the steps to starting and sustaining a successful youth garden program.


Growing Head Start Success with Farm to Early Care and Education

The National Farm to School Network has created a resource specifically for Head Start programs to show how farm to ECE can support performance standards and framework benchmarks.


Growing Minds Farm to Preschool

Growing Minds Farm to Preschool Program shares an extensive collection of lesson plans, a farm to school preschool kit and weekly resources designed for parents and families.


Rooted's Farm to Early Care and Education Resources

A collection of resources from Rooted in Wisconsin to help implement Farm to Early Care Education and garden programs.


Getting Started

The Center for Ecoliteracy and Life Lab offer this helpful pdf publication with an overview of how to establish a school gardens and outdoor classroom.


Funding a Youth Garden Program

GroMoreGood Head Start Garden Grant Program

Sponsored by Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation, this grant program is specifically available to Head Start Programs.


KidsGardening Grant Opportunities

KidsGardening offers multiple grant and award programs throughout the year.


Seed Money

Seed Money is a national nonprofit that helps schools and communities develop their own online crowd fundraising campaigns.

Excited to garden with kids?

Explore more resources, discover funding opportunities, ask questions, and learn with other gardeners in the Kids Garden Community. Join FREE today to start connecting, sharing, and growing with educators and parents just like you!

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