Growing School Food Gardens is LIVE!

KidsGardening is thrilled to announce that the new Growing School Food Gardens Community is live in the Kids Garden Community! 

With the support of the USDA, the Growing School Food Gardens Community will facilitate peer-to-peer learning opportunities, mentorship programs, regional networking, and resource exchanges among food garden educators across the country.

Edible school garden programs are vital components of robust farm-to-school initiatives. Serving both youth and educators, they build awareness of food production, grow an appreciation for local food systems, and integrate high-quality agricultural and nutritional learning experiences directly into the curriculum. KidsGardening is proud to support these efforts with this new online community.

We hope that you will join us to:

  • Connect with other educators teaching in school food gardens
  • Get support from experienced peer garden educators
  • Share your expertise growing a school garden
  • Find vetted school food garden and farm to school resources to support your growing and teaching adventures 

Webinar Series

  • March 8: STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) in the School Food Garden – Watch now! 
  • April 12: Teaching for Sustainability - Registration is open! SAVE YOUR SPOT!
  • May 10: Place-Based, Culturally-Relevant, & Indigenous Learning
  • June 14: Funding Your Garden

We'll also be facilitating Coaching Calls twice a month starting in March, where you can get customized support for your school food garden! More details, updates, and registration info can be found in "Events" on the Growing School Food Gardens Community.

You must be a member of the Kids Garden Community to join the Growing School Food Gardens Community and attend virtual sessions. After registering, you can access the GSFG community in the "All Communities" list on the Kids Garden Community. See you there!