The Youth Garden Grant is Open!

Youth Garden Grant 2024

Fall is our favorite time of year because it marks the launch of the annual Youth Garden Grant!

Since 1982, the grant has supported school and youth educational garden projects that enhance the quality of life for youth and their communities. On November 6th, KidsGardening will be accepting applications for the 2024 grant, marking the 42nd year of this flagship award that exemplifies our mission: to create opportunities for kids to play, learn, and grow through gardening.

The grant is open until December 15, 2023, and programs can apply in either English or Spanish.

The 2024 Youth Garden Grant is made possible by KidsGardening’s generous donor base and sponsorships from seventeen garden industry partners.

An adult's hand is transferring a seedling to a child who is standing next to a raised bed. In the background another child is digging in the soil.

In addition, five programs will receive a Container Garden Specialty Award from our friends at Crescent Garden, and five programs will receive a Vertical Garden Specialty Award from our friends at Garden Tower Project.

Applicants interested in either of the specialty award packages will have the opportunity to share why their program would like the specialty award package, how it would alleviate the challenges the garden program faces, what benefits they anticipate, and how the youth would use the materials.

Last year’s programs reached nearly 15,000 youth in 28 states nationwide. We can not wait to see what impact the 2024 grant winners will have. Read more in the 2023 Youth Garden Grant Impact Report.

We look forward to reading your application! Apply by December 15, 2023, to be considered.