Grant Funding Webinar Series
Join KidsGardening’s Grant Funding Series to learn the ins and outs of grantmaking.

About the Webinar Series
Grant funding can be a great way to jumpstart a youth garden program, but receiving a grant isn’t always that easy. Join KidsGardening’s Grant Funding Series to learn the ins and outs of grantmaking. Session one will go over the basics of grants, from how to write a grant and what makes your application attractive, to what grantmakers are looking for. Session two will teach about the importance of making a strong case statement, showing grantmakers that your program is the perfect fit for funding. The last session, session three, will be a panel discussion with national youth garden grantmakers who will share their upcoming grant funding opportunities and tips and tricks for writing a successful grant application.
Registrants for each webinar will be entered into a giveaway for a $50 gift card to Gardener's Supply Company and a curriculum book of the winner's choice.
Webinar 1: Grant Basics for Youth Garden Programs
August 4, 2022, 4-5pm Eastern
Have you ever asked someone what grant writing is all about? Join Sarah Lane, KidsGardening’s Program Director, to learn the basics of writing grants for youth garden programs. She will go over the fundamentals of grants and will share where to find grant funding and how to apply for a grant.
The session will also start to dig into how to write a grant proposal and what makes your grant proposal attractive.
Webinar 2: Crafting Your Narrative for Grant Applications
August 11, 2022, 4-5pm Eastern
Do you wonder how to make your grant proposal stand out? Join Em Shipman, KidsGardening’s Executive Director and lead fundraiser, as she walks you through how to write a compelling case statement or narrative about your grant program. With this prepared, your youth garden program will be ready to wow funders and raise funds.
Webinar 3: Meet the Grantmakers Funding Youth Garden Programs
August 18, 2022, 4-5 Eastern
Searching for garden grants can be tiresome, especially when there are a million and one other things you could be doing with your time. Join this webinar to hear from KidsGardening, Whole Kids Foundation, Green Our Planet, Big Green, and Captain Planet Foundation—all national youth garden grantmakers—about their upcoming grant opportunities, and to hear their thoughts on what makes a strong grant proposal.
Kids Garden Community Chat on Fundraising
Interested in talking about fundraising for your youth garden? Don't miss the August Kids Garden Community Chat!
What's a Community Chat? Think of these as “office hours” with educators and practioners available to answer your questions. Join for the entire session to listen and learn or hop on at your convenience anytime during the hour to ask a question.
Join this Community Chat to ask your questions and share ideas about fundraising for your gardening program, including finding and applying for grants, fundraiser ideas, crowdfunding, local donations of supplies, and more. From those new to gardening to seasoned educators, everyone is welcome!
August 24, 3pm Eastern.
Join the FREE Kids Garden Community for access to the chat. Community Chats are a members-only benefit.
Register for each of the webinar sessions individually. You do not need to attend each session, only register for the sessions that are of interest to you. The recordings of each session will be made available to those that register.
Registration is by donation. Suggested donation is $10 for each webinar.
Past webinars
Looking for past KidsGardening webinar offerings? You can find them all on our Crowdcast page!