Kids Garden Month Winners

What do you love about gardening?

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Congratulations to our Kids Garden Month winners!

We loved hearing from your young gardeners about why they love gardening or why other kids should garden. We received nearly 600 entries, and were impressed by everyone's creativity!

Grand Prize Winner

Carissa and Olivia, the Garden Girls from Southwest Adventist Junior Academy.

Age 0-6 Winners

John H. Fuller Elementary Garden Club

Entries by Jamison, Isaac, Molly, Rylie, Luna, Lorelei, Amelia, James, Serenity, Maddie, and Rory. Pictured here is Luna's entry.

A child's drawing of a gardener showing the lifecycle of plants.

Ms. Karen Littlest Learners 3's class

Pictured here is Jaxson's entry, whose favorite thing about gardening is hammering and moving dirt with the wheelbarrow.

My favorite thing about gardening: Hammering, moving dirt with wheelbarrow.

Age 7-12 Winners

Ethan from Parker Elementary

Ethan and his brother Matthew are into gardening. However, after watching a video with false claims about gardening, Ethan decides to show Matthew the true side of gardening. Together, they embark on a journey of wonder and exploration in the world of gardening.

Wednesday afternoon (3rd grade) garden club

All of the 3rd graders participated in making this collage and included works of art and phrases about what they love about garden club and why it is so important to them.

A colorful collage using ink, maker, words, and more

Age 13-18 Winners

Mill Creek High School

Mill Creek believes in the transformative power of hands-on learning experiences, especially when it comes to gardening. Gardening not only provides therapeutic benefits but also fosters a sense of responsibility, independence, and pride among their students with disabilities.

Palm Harbor University High

Animated video of our favorite parts of gardening with a hand-composed song by a member of our club.

Multiple Age Winners

Somerset County Library STEAM Club

Somerset County Library's STEAM Club presents MY Favorite Thing About Gardening. Kids designed a poster with their ideal garden and their favorite thing about gardening.

Patriots STEM Elementary School

During our last garden club meeting I gave each child a chance to answer the two questions given. They were prompted to put down what they felt and not try to copy what a friend would say.

A colorful collage of reasons why kids love gardening.
Mrs Meyer's Clean Day logo

Thank you!

Thank you to our Kids Garden Month sponsor, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day!