Edible Flower Cookies
Topic: projects & crafts, edibles, flowers
Time to Complete: 30 minutes (plus chilling time)
Grade Level: Preschool, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Location(s): Indoor
Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
A plate of sugar cookies with edible flowers
Making edible flower cookies combines cooking and creativity for kids and makes a festive and colorful treat for celebrations, fundraisers, and more!


  • A selection of colorful edible flowers and herbs (see instructions)
  • Sugar cookie or shortbread dough of your choice
  • Parchment paper
  • Baking sheet
  • Oven
  • Freezer (optional)


  1. Gather a selection of edible flowers from your garden or purchase from the grocery store. Visit our growing guide for more information on choosing and growing edible flowers. Some great options include borage, chive flower, nasturtium, marigold, calendula, cornflower, and snapdragon. Adding mint leaves or lemon zest can also add exciting flavors and colors.

    NOTE: Not all flowers are edible! Teach children to check with you or another knowledgeable adult before eating flowers. Also, be sure flowers haven’t been sprayed with pesticides.  

  2. Prepare your favorite sugar cookie or shortbread dough by rolling it out (generally around ¼” thick) and cutting it into the shape of your choice. Place the unbaked cookies on parchment paper 1-2” apart.
  3.  Have children remove the petals of each edible flower (and leaves of herbs if using) and then proceed to decorate each cookie by gently pressing the petals/leaves into the top of the cookie in the design of their choice. Cookies will expand in size and spread the designs during baking, so don’t shy away from covering the whole surface with petals!

    TIP: If you find that the petals aren’t sticking well to the dough, dip a finger in water and rub it across the top of the cookie before sticking them on, which will help with adhesion.

  4. If time allows, freezing the unbaked, decorated cookies for 12 to 24 hours will help the petals retain their vibrant colors while baking. If you are unable, cookies will still be beautiful and festive with only slightly muted colors.
  5. Bake according to your recipe, turning the baking sheet halfway through the total baking time. Allow to cool fully and enjoy!

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