Happy National Pollinator Month!!
Why celebrate pollinators? For one, they are critical for the health of ecosystems. They're also needed to produce many of our favorite foods. By tending a pollinator garden or learning about the many types of pollinators, kids begin to understand and care for the natural environment.
Here are seven fun ways to celebrate pollinator month with these hard-working garden friends!

Bee Wild Contest
KidsGardening and Wyman's are teaming up to celebrate National Pollinator Month with the Bee Wild Contest! Thirty-five youth garden programs will win $200 to plant a pollinator garden. Join us!

Pollinator Activity Book
From bees to bats, pollinators are hardworking creatures that sustain life on our planet. Our Pollinator Activity Book is packed with fascinating facts and fun activities to help familiarize kids with twelve of Earth’s most important pollinators. Each pollinator is celebrated with a colorful fact sheet, a coloring page, and two printable activity sheets.

Native Pollinator Guides
These three native pollinator resources are designed for both families and educators. Learning about the relationship between native plants and native pollinators — and the amazing things they do together in our environment — offers intriguing and important lessons for kids.

Meadowscaping Guides
Meadowscaping allows us to transform lawns, playgrounds, empty lots, unused paved spaces, and patios into havens for plants and animals - including our pollinator friends!

Pollinator Activities, Growing Guides, and Lessons
We REALLY love pollinators, and our resource collection shows it! We have over 40 free pollinator-themed items in our resource library, and you will find a perfect fit for any age or interest level.

Interactive Pollinator Field Journal
This interactive pollinator journal is ideal for kids to record their observations of pollinators! It is 16 pages, includes places for kids to fill in observations, and has lots of facts about pollinators, pollination, and plant parts.

Lessons to Grow By: Pollinator
This four-module unit will teach your young gardeners to understand the intricate relationship between pollinators and flowering plants and also learn to love, respect, and appreciate these hard-working animals.

Lecciones para Crecer: Los polinizadores
Esperamos que sus jóvenes jardineros comprendan la intrincada relación entre los polinizadores y las plantas con flores y que también aprendan a amar, respetar y apreciar a estos animales arduamente trabajadores.