We are so pleased to be able to share our 2021 Impact Report with you.
Our love and respect for children and their educators and caregivers fuel our enthusiasm and steadfast devotion to creating resources that allow millions of kids across the country to play, learn, and grow through the garden.

2021 Youth Garden Grant winner, Zion Farms
Our Impact
3.8 million kids!
In 2021, we reached approximately 3.8 million kids with the resources provided through our grants, educational resources, and our online community.
248 programs!
248 programs were awarded funding through grants, garden installations, and contests totalling over $170,000.

2021 was a difficult year for communities across the country and the globe. People who care for and work with children are in the difficult position of processing these upsetting and confusing events themselves while helping kids work through their feelings and assuring them that they will be kept safe. And did I mention there are curricula and standards to teach too?
At KidsGardening, we know that gardens are a place where kids feel safe and can learn, hands-on, often more effectively than sitting at a desk. The ability to get outside, move their bodies, and engage in meaningful activities allows them to find a place of calm while also learning math, science, literature, or any other subject. Kids and their grown-ups need this time in nature more than ever.
KidsGardening’s approach to supporting educators and caregivers throughout this difficult time can be summed up in one word: Connection. In 2021, we launched several new initiatives aimed at connecting youth garden advocates to new knowledge, funding, and perhaps most importantly, a supportive network of peers.
From the launch of the Kids Garden Community to a garden installation in a Promise Neighborhood in Philadelphia, 2021 was a year of connection and community.