2024 Lots of Compassion Grant
Together, Mrs. Meyers Clean Day and KidsGardening designed the Lots of Compassion Grant to support local leaders looking to transform vacant lots into gardens to help grow compassion in their community. Now in our second year, we are excited to share that the application is open!
In 2024, 10 grantees will receive $20,000 each to transform a vacant lot into a garden. A total of $200,000 will be awarded.
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day and KidsGardening share a belief that the garden has the power to do more than grow flowers and herbs, it can grow people, communities, and even kindness, too. The Lots of Compassion Grant is open until June 30, 2024.
¡Pueden aplicar a los programas en español! Para ver esta oportunidad de subvención en español, visite nuestra página web en español.

Are you looking for an idea or inspiration? Take a look at some of the 2023 grantee projects. Thank you to 2023 winner Shamokin Community Gardens and Pocket Parks in Shamokin, PA, for sharing their photo (above).
Whether your goal to transform the vacant lot into a garden is to host community events, create opportunities for mentorship, improve walkability, or increase opportunities to be physically active, consider applying for the grant opportunity.
We look forward to reading your application to the 2024 Lots of Compassion Grant! Apply by June 30, 2024, to be considered.