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Webinar: Gathering Steam

About the Webinar

Join us for a webinar about engaging kids with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) projects geared for the garden. Educators Brad Hendershot, Marcia Tate, Bob Markey, and Jodie Visker will share their experiences using composting, soil science, Square Foot Gardening, and a veggie derby to teach STEAM concepts! This webinar is presented in partnership with our friends at Square Foot Gardening Foundation.

Everyone who pre-registers for this webinar will be entered to win a copy of All New Square Foot Gardening, 2024 Edition.

Get to know the Square Foot Gardening Method.


Marcia Tate

Marcia Tate

Marcia Tate is a native North Carolinian who retired from work as a 4H Extension Agent, Remedial Reading Teacher, and Public Health Nutritionist/Health Educator. Raised Bed Gardening/Square Foot Gardening and efforts to create/maintain native plantings for pollinators and other wildlife are her greatest gardening passions. She currently presents native planting workshops throughout the county. The Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program has allowed her to enjoy working with children at the Junaluska Elementary School Garden and with the general public at the Canton Public Library Giving Garden for 12 years. She holds a BS degree in Home Economics Education and a Master's in Public Health Nutrition. Her hobbies include running, cycling, hiking, and gardening.

Jodie Visker

Jodie Visker

Jodie Visker, a Wisconsin educator, played a pivotal role in the Onalaska School Garden program's success as founder and coordinator. In 2011, when her school district received a Farm to School Grant, Jodie was tasked with designing the school gardens. Her expertise as a Master Gardener, combined with her background as a former art teacher, made her the perfect fit for the challenge. Jodie built six Square Foot Garden beds at each of the three elementary schools, using cold frames to extend the growing season. Beyond her outdoor work, Jodie championed the implementation of aeroponic Tower Gardens across all schools, providing efficient and sustainable vertical growing systems for students. She also tailored programs for diverse groups, integrating gardening into the curriculum for the Family and Consumer Science Department, Special Education Department, and the At Risk Department. Her dedication has fostered a love for gardening, environmental stewardship, and lifelong learning within the school community. Recently, Jodie has transitioned from hands-on work in the garden to educational consulting. Her insights and expertise now benefit a broader audience as she shares her knowledge with educators, schools, and communities. Through her consulting work, Jodie continues to inspire a love for gardening and sustainable practices, fostering growth both in the soil and in young minds.

Bob Markey

Bob Markey

Bob Markey was born and raised in Rahway, New Jersey, and attended public grammar schools, graduating high school from St. Benedict's Prep in Newark. He then received a B.A. from Monmouth University in 1972. While managing a successful 45-year real estate career in his hometown, Bob found time to earn his Master Gardener and Master Tree Steward Certifications from Rutgers University. In 2008, he traveled to Eden, Utah, to become a Square Foot Gardening (SFG) Instructor and was certified by none other than the boss himself, Mel Bartholomew. That same spring, Bob walked into his local YMCA, where he had learned to swim as a kid, and suggested to the director, “Why don’t we work together and add a Square Foot Gardening Program to camp this summer?”. The director’s answer was a resounding “Yes,” and during that first successful season, the YMCA summer campers affectionately named him “Mr. Bob The Gardener.” The SFG Program received rave reviews in 2015 from the Garden Club of NJ, Rutgers Gardens, and the NJ YMCA State Alliance. Fast forward to today; Bob’s SFG Summer Camp Program has been expanded, improved, and replicated at three NJ Y’s. In 2023, Mr. Bob’s Foundation, a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, received the 33,000-member National Garden Club’s highest recognition, the Award of Excellence for its work with youth. Bob was then invited to join the NGC’s Board of Directors, serving as their Youth Coordinator. In early 2024, Mr. Bob’s Foundation was awarded the NJ Senate and General Assembly Resolution for his extraordinary initiative teaching gardening to children of all ages. Bob’s dream, since 2008, has been to see his SFG Program expanded to Y’s all across America, and the way it’s heading, it may just happen sooner rather than later!

Brad Hendershot

Brad Hendershot

Brad Hendershot was born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He attended Grand Valley State University and earned bachelor’s degrees in Journalism and English, as well as a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education. In 2009, Brad began his career at Excelsior Academy and spent the next 15 years teaching Middle School Science and Greenthumbs. Watching our school grow and evolve over the years, he says, is what motivates him to keep challenging himself professionally. Brad will begin his new role as Assistant Director of the Middle School this year. Brad is happiest when he’s creating something from scratch, and striving to make it perfect. He is passionate about gardening and woodworking. He likes to say that his favorite days are the ones where he ends up covered in dirt, sawdust, or both.

Register now!

Date: Thursday, October 3, 2024

Time: 4pm PST/ 7pm ET

This webinar will be 60 minutes and will be recorded and available for viewing immediately following the live event. 

Cost: By donation, $12 recommended

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