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Phenomenal Pollinators

Phenomenal Pollinators

Pollinators are critical to the continuation of many flowering plant species. Without help transporting pollen from one flower to another, some plants would be unable to reproduce and thus would be lost. When a task is so critical, it is important to have more than one worker on the job. In this lesson, students will explore some of the lesser-known pollinators that keep our world growing.

Seven Ways to Celebrate Pollinators!

Seven Ways to Celebrate Pollinators!

Happy National Pollinator Month!! Why celebrate pollinators? For one, they are critical for the health of ecosystems. They're also needed to produce many of our favorite foods. By tending a pollinator garden or learning about the many types of pollinators, kids begin...

The Role of Native Plants and Pollinators in Biodiversity

The Role of Native Plants and Pollinators in Biodiversity

Over many millennia, native plants and animals have evolved — or adapted — in response to changes in the physical and biological characteristics of their region, allowing them to form intricate relationships and making them uniquely suited to life in their native habitat. Studying the relationships among native species and their importance in supporting the biodiversity of a habitat can deepen students’ understanding of the natural world and encourage environmental stewardship.

Celebrating Native Pollinators with Wyman’s

Celebrating Native Pollinators with Wyman’s

Three new pollinator guides! We are really excited to share three NEW native pollinator resources designed for both families and educators. Beyond getting the world to eat more fruit, Wyman’s has made the stewardship of our natural resources a top priority for four...

Plant Families for Pollinators

Plant Families for Pollinators

How plants are classified can offer intriguing insights because the characteristics that contribute to family groupings provide information about the pollinators attracted to the plants.

Teaching Kids to Protect Our Pollinators

Teaching Kids to Protect Our Pollinators

This summer at North Wind Day Camp in Canton, New York, 49 curious and intrepid campers, ages 7-12, earned the Pollinator Patch created by Cabot Creamery Cooperative and KidsGardening. The free patch program was developed to help children understand the importance of...

Planting for Pollinators

Planting for Pollinators

Over 75% of all flowering plants are pollinated by insects and other animals. This article features pollinator profiles and planting tips to feed and shelter these vital garden visitors.